We looked at a famous and talented female artist Georgia O'Keefee. The members/students learned about her life and then drew inspiration using their "favorite" medium to create O'Keefee-inspired art work!
Best known for her flower paintings, Georgia O’Keeffe often used striking viewpoints to draw attention to her subject matter. She painted her flowers so large that they had to be noticed and seen in a new way. O'Keeffe was born in 1887 in Wisconsin, the second of seven children. She grew up on a large farm close to nature. As a child, she had a rebellious temperament and found school dull and constricting. By age ten, she had already decided that she would grow up to be an artist. After studying art in both Chicago and New York, O'Keeffe spent several years teaching in an elementary school and later in a college. In the early 1920's, she stopped teaching and moved to New York to marry Alfred Steiglitz, a well known photographer. In the busy city, she felt that people did not take time to appreciate the small wonders of nature. To draw their attention and force them to look more carefully, she painted flowers larger than life, often filling the complete canvas with a single flower. After her husband died, O'Keeffe moved to New Mexico and painted the nature she loved so much. She was ninety-eight years old when she died in 1986.
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